Waldviertler grey poppy seed soufflé with marinated figs

Ingredients for 4 servings
200 g sheep’s milk curd cheese
3 egg yolks
3 egg whites
60 g sugar
60 g Waldviertler grey poppy seeds
Vanilla pulp
6 figs filled with fresh cheese
500 ml port wine
50 g honey
½ cinnamon stick
Butter and sugar for the moulds
Combine port wine with honey and cinnamon in a saucepan, bring to a boil and reduce by half. Cut figs in half and marinate in the port wine reduction.
In a bowl, combine sheep’s milk curd cheese, egg yolks, cinnamon and vanilla pulp and stir until smooth. Beat the egg whites with sugar until stiff and fold them into the curd cheese mixture together with the poppy seeds. Butter soufflé moulds and line with sugar, then fill moulds with soufflé mixture up to two-thirds. Bake in the oven at 75°C in a hot water bath for about 10 to 17 minutes.
Arrange figs on plates. Remove soufflés from oven, invert onto the figs and serve immediately.
Preparation time: 35 min.
Level of difficulty: medium
Enjoy! :-)